Monday, December 12, 2011

A Year in Review!

I always love and appreciate all the Christmas cards  that come with the year in review attached.  You know what I mean.  The page long story that reviews what the family has been up to this year.  It always brings a smile to my face but I never seem to send one from my family so here it goes:

My loving and wonderful husband accomplished so much this year.  He officially finished his PhD and is now Dr. Probst!  Not only that but he landed hid dream job at Baylor Health Care Systems working as their first and only Human Factors Engineer.  He is currently working on the new system wide armband that will be more effective for the Doctors and Nurses not to mention saving the system 80,000 a year!   We not only have a new job but a new zip code as well!  We moved from Kansas back to Texas (Plano to be exact).

Our twin daughters have had a fantastic year.  They settled into their new house seamlessly!  They were potty trained and moved to big girl beds!!!!  Their favorite toys are still books and their mommy LOVES this!  They read our first word (bat), learned to count to 30, and grown their vocabulary ten fold.  The also LOVE our new church and ask daily if it is Sunday or Wednesday.  They read the bible with their Daddy at night and are our little prayer police, reminding us before meals and bed time to say them.  Our challenge this year has not been the terrible twos but the terrible allergies :(   Audrey has tons of allergies including milk, eggs, and wheat.  Addison also has an egg allergy.  BUT I will take allergies any day of the week over those dreaded days that will come when they are 13!

As for me I could not be any luckier!  I landed the most challenging as best job I could ever ask for!  I stopped teaching to stay at home with my kiddos!  It has been the best decision of my life and I am so grateful Adam's job has afforded me this opportunity!  I am also a mere 20 miles from my best friend Stephanie.  If only Nita would move to Dallas! 

My Mom and Dad are super busy as always!  Mom accepted a job in Edmond as a second grade teacher!  It is the best decision Edmond could have ever made!  My mom is truly the best teacher I know!  My Dad is doing what he does best at Chaparral and received a new job title this year.  My brother is also working for Chaparral and has a WONDERFUL girlfriend Elise!  She is probably the sweetest person I have ever met and treats my brother so well! I give Alex a hard time about it but I expect her to be my sister in law within the next few years! 

Adam's Mom got a job in Plano as a behavior specialist (a job that she really is AMAZING at)!  She lives about a mile from us !  It has been fantastic having her here and of course the free babysitting!  Amy got married to an amazing man named Greg!  He works for the City of Fort Worth and Amy is a manager at Target!  Their wedding was beautiful and he truly makes her happy!  Plus Audrey is in love with him (children have a great sense about who is good and who is bad and Greg has passed that test with flying colors)! 

We count our blessing everyday and realize how fortunate we are.  We are blessed with the best family and friends we could ask for and thank you for being part of our lives!